Buhler Teachers Podcast Thoughts About Digital Learners
Last week several teachers from Tech Cadres 1 and 2 attended an "upgrade workshop" in which they learned about new ideas for technology integration to engage students in learning. One activity we shared was using a cell phone (or any phone, for that matter) to record audio files which can be heard via the Internet or downloaded for use in class projects. These teachers selected songs from their iTunes playlists and compared the song titles to the characteristics of today's digital learners. To listen to these short audio podcasts here, click on the name of the first audio file. It will begin playing, and the other audio files will follow automatically. To view the entire list of podcasts and select a specific one to play, click on Posts.
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Just think of all the possible uses for cellphone podcasts in the classroom! Students in social studies classrooms could interview people about their experiences in selected periods of history, or they could solicit people's opinions and reactions to current events. Foreign language students could podcast via cellphone to record their voices using the second language outside the classroom. In science class students could record data at various stages of a lab experiment.
If you are interested in learning how to create audio podcasts with your students, let me know so that we can set up a time to get you started. You will be excited to see how easy it is, and your digital students will be excited that you are helping them learn with 21st century tools.
Please share your ideas for using this digital tool in your classroom by commenting below.
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ActivInspire: Drag A Copy and More
14 years ago
Good blog post. That was a neat idea with the phone post. I really want to use that idea with parents.