Sunday, November 9, 2008

Converting a PDF to Word

A Little PDF PD

On Mary Frazier's blog, A Chat with Mary, she explains how easy it is to create a PDF version of any document we create.  I have always wanted to reverse this process and convert a PDF back to Microsoft Word, but I didn't want to spend money on software designed to do this. The great news is that now we can convert PDF files to Word at the PDFtoWORD web page.  Wow!  It works! And it's free!

To use this tool, go to the PDFtoWORD web page, click on Choose File to upload your PDF, then click on Convert to Word and wait for the magic to happen. The new Word document will be emailed to you shortly!

I converted several PDFs to Word using PDFtoWORD, and, amazingly, the new Word documents maintained the formatting, charts, and photos. It takes a few minutes to convert the PDF to Word when the document includes photos or special formatting, but the results are worth the wait!  

That's the latest PD on PDFs!  Please share PDFtoWORD with someone else who could use this awesome tool.


  1. This is terrific. I have always wanted to be able to do the "reverse" conversion of a PDF.

  2. Great, exactly what i was looking for.

  3. YES!! It does work!! It is awesome. I even forwarded the link to all my friends and husband. THANKS!
