Sunday, September 21, 2008

File Size Matters

When we add photos, audio, and video to a document or presentation, the file size increases dramatically. In other words, the more engaging we make our materials, the larger they become!

Of course, this can create serious problems when we want to share these documents and presentations with others. Most email servers do not allow us to attach large files, and even smaller email attachments can bog down an email server and slow mail speed.

One great way to share large files is This service is free and easy to use, with no registration required. Just type in the email address of the recipient, browse to attach the file from your computer, and click Send File.

It will take a few seconds to upload your file, and you should not leave the web page until that process is completed. When the upload is finished, your recipient will receive an email with a link to download the file you have sent. File size problem solved!

If you have trouble uploading a document, you may need to compress ("zip") the file first. Just CTRL-click or right-click the file on your computer and select Compress. Upload the new file that has .zip on the end, and now will recognize the file type and send it on its way! Amazingly, you can even send an entire folder at once if you compress ("zip") it first.

Try using to share documents and presentations! I'm sure you'll love it!

(Be sure to check Mary Frazier's awesome blog at for more great ideas!)

1 comment:

  1. I sent one of my PowerPoint presentations to my school e-mail address. Quick and effective. Thanks for the tip.
